four hundred and eighty-eight


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There are 488 masters and 135 phD in hospital currently.
2·然后将数字信息送往显示器和IEEE - 488接口。
Digital data is then sent to the display and the IEEE-488 interface.
3·该系统各器件间的信息交换满足IEEE - 488标准。
The communication among all devices in the system satisfies IEEE Standard No. 488.
That exceeds figures from countries such as Afghanistan (488 applicants) and Iraq (282).
5·希尔顿酒店集团打算在德国新开2家Garden Inn酒店,共含488间客房。
Hilton hotels Corp. plans two new Garden Inn hotels with a total of 488 rooms in Germany.
In summary, the IEEE-488 bus represents quite an advancement in intelligent data acquisition systems.
7·具有IEEE - 488标准的GPIB接口可以连接各个装置,组成一个测试系统。
The GPIB interface of IEEE-488 standard can connect all kinds of instruments to make up an automation testing system.
8·触发源包括手动(从面板按钮)、IEEE - 488总线、Trigger Link接口、内部时钟和外部触发。
Trigger sources include manual (front panel button), IEEE-488 bus, trigger Link, internal timer, and external trigger.
9·第三章详细阐述了GPIB控制器的十种接口功能及其状态机实现,完全遵循ieee - 488协议规范。
Chapter three introduces the GPIB controller interface function, especially the designing of state machine according to IEEE-488.
Their study showed that for the sickest patients, the average cost of an additional quality-of-life year was much higher — $488, 000.
更新时间:2025-03-10 16:18